Homecoming Dress-Up Days October 8th-12th
- What
- Homecoming Dress-Up Days October 8th-12th
- When
- 10/8/2018
- Where
Monday, October 8th: Magical Marvelous Monday, dress up as your favorite Disney or Marvel character!
Tuesday October 9th: Take Down Tuesday, Dress in your chosen class colors! K-red, 1st-green, 2nd- blue, 3rd- yellow, and 4th- black.
Wednesday, October 10th: Wake-Up Wednesday, Dress in your favorite school appropriate PJ's!
Thursday October 11th: Traveling Thru Thursday, Tacky Tourist Day-dress in your best tacky tourist attire.
Friday October 12th: I can Fly Friday, show your school spirit by wearing blue and gold!